DVD Corner

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Top 10 Movie Musicals

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With the hit Broadway show “Hamilton,” the live-action musical events on TV, and new movie musicals such as the smash hit “La La Land,” musicals have unquestionably become popular again. What better way to celebrate the resurgence of the genre than with a list of my personal favorite movie musicals? While I could have easily included films starring Julie Andrews, “The Court Jester,” or any number of Disney animated or live-action musicals, they just missed the cut. Anyway, enough of yammering, on with the list!

  1. The Wizard of Oz- Was there ever any doubt this would be number 1? This is the movie musical all movie musicals aspire to be like. It’s vivid, it’s fun, the songs stay with you forever, and the characters are great. It’s a perfect film.
  1. Singin’ In The Rain- When you think of joyous films, “Singin’ In The Rain” always comes to mind. Between the iconic titular number to the energetic “Make ‘Em Laugh,” everything about this movie is cinematic bliss.
  1. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory- Forget about the horrifyingly bad Tim Burton version. The 1971 film starring Gene Wilder is a colorful, weird, and unforgettable classic musical.
  1. Pinocchio (1940)- Of all of the Disney animated films, this still remains my favorite. Tunes like “When You Wish Upon A Star,” “I’ve Got No Strings,” and “Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee” alone warrant a spot on this list.
  1. Xanadu- Is this a good movie? No, but it’s a bad movie gem that I cherish. One thing is for certain, however, the soundtrack rules. You can’t go wrong with ELO tunes and Olivia Newton John songs.
  1. Grease- “It’s electrifying!” pretty much sums it up.
  1. The Rocky Horror Picture Show- There’s a reason this original cult classic musical has endured for decades- it’s just that good.
  1. My Fair Lady- Audrey Hepburn is at her finest in this 1964 musical.
  1. On The Town- Gene Kelly + Frank Sinatra= movie magic.
  1. West Side Story- A lavish and timeless twist on William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.”

January 15, 2017 - Posted by | News | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. Top ten movie musicals. I might have to think about that, but I know some that do exist.

    Les Mis, Annie, Sound of Music plus seven more which I still need to think about

    Comment by mphadventuregirl | October 29, 2017 | Reply

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