DVD Corner

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Suspicion Blu-ray Review


Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine shine in “Suspicion.”

“Suspicion” begins with a self-confident ladies man (Johnnie) meeting the quiet and mousy Lina on a train. In a simple twist of fate, the two wind up meeting again, and, not surprisingly, the two begin to fall for one another before eventually marrying. While settling into marriage, Lina begins to learn more about the shady Johnnie who is wild, unpredictable, and financially irresponsible. Worse still, Lina suspects him of foul play and has some clues to back up her theories. Is Lina’s suspicion justified or is this all a series of misunderstandings? That is the question.

What if your marriage became a nightmare? That’s one of the questions Alfred Hitchcock proposes in his 1941 film about paranoia, love, trust, and secrets. While perhaps a bit padded and watered down in the end, “Suspicion” (which was nominated for Best Picture) is simply a good old fashioned Hitchcock film that expertly blends the romance and psychological thriller genres together. The characterization is so strong here that you can’t help but get wrapped up in this couple’s drama. You want to see what happens next and you want to see if you can guess where it’s all headed.

Even though a lot of credit for the film’s success belongs to Hitchcock’s assured direction, it is the performances by stars Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine that make this film such a winner. Grant proved why he was one of the greatest actors here with his role as the playful and secretive Johnnie. However, it is Fontaine who really steals the show as the shy and suspicious Lina who second guesses her marriage. The two actors play off each other so well and you really can’t imagine anyone else in these roles.


Presentation: 1.37:1 1080p. How does it look? This is another great B&W transfer courtesy of Warner Archive.

Audio Track: 2.0 DTS-HD MA. How does it sound? This is how you do a Mono track for Blu-ray.

* “Suspicion” trailer.
* The 21 minute “Before The Fact: Suspicious Hitchcock” contains film clips, interviews, factoids about “Suspicion,” and discussions about the novel the film is based on (“Before The Fact”), the cast and characters, Hitchcock, etc.

April 12, 2017 - Posted by | Blu-Ray review | , , ,

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