DVD Corner

4K, Blu-ray, DVD, and Book Reviews

Old Dogs Blu-Ray

“Old Dogs” is a family film from Disney with a bit of an edge to it.  While the script sometimes gets a bit sugary, it has enough really funny moments to not make it really sappy.  Robin Williams and John Travolta, along with Travolta’s wife, Kelly Preston, and their daughter Ella Bleu Travolta star along with Lori Laughlin, Matt Dillon, and Seth Green.  Williams and Travolta are old buddies in business together and just when they are about to make the deal of a lifetime, an old girlfriend drops in to tell Wiliams he’s a daddy of twins and that he must take care of them for a couple of weeks while she is away.

Now, at this point, you are thinking, ok-I know the formula of what happens but the plot does go off a little from predictability as the guys try to manage the twins.  Williams has most of the schlocky lines and Travolta has some great moments in comedy.  They work well as a comedy team.

The blu-ray set contains bloopers, deleted scenes, a music video by Bryan dams, another music video with Travolta and daughter, a making of featurette, a dvd of the film and a digital copy.  A great value for the money.  A recommended buy for family night or a rent for sure.

March 14, 2010 - Posted by | Blu-Ray review | , , , , , ,

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