DVD Corner

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Top 10 Game Of Thrones Episodes

Game Of Thrones

With the season 7 finale a few hours away, it felt like the right time to take a look back at the best of the series thus far. Keep in mind this is just my opinion. WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD.


  1. Hardhome- The intense White Walker battle is still the most thrilling moment to date.


  1. Baelor- After the tragic death of Ned Stark, GOT really came into its own and showed fans that anything could happen.


  1. The Rains of Castamere- The infamously brutal Red Wedding episode. It simultaneously scarred fans and became an iconic moment in TV history.


  1. Blackwater- One word- wildfire.


  1. The Lion and the Rose- The episode that delivered the moment fans were waiting for- the death of Joffrey.


  1. The Mountain and the Viper- The first of the big versus episodes (The Mountain vs. fan favorite character Oberyn) did not disappoint.


  1. The Dance of Dragons- This epic episode has everything from a sickening and heartbreaking death to fiery dragon action.


  1. Battle of the Bastards- Ramsay Bolton v Jon Snow > McGregor v Mayweather


  1. The Winds of Winter- Most of the time, the big events tend to happen in the penultimate episode of a season, but in season 6, the finale actually has quite a bit going on (namely lots of death).


  1. Valar Morghulis- While not the most eventful of episodes, this is an underrated gem that featured the Jaqen character reveal, an early glimpse at the White Walkers and Robb’s marriage.

August 27, 2017 - Posted by | News | , , , , , , , , ,

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