DVD Corner

4K, Blu-ray, DVD, and Book Reviews

Top 10 Most Anticipated Films Of 2017

War for the Planet of the Apes.png Wonder Woman.png Kong.png

With 2016 now at an end, it’s time to look forward to the films of 2017. While there will undoubtedly be plenty of film festival gems, surprise movies, or films not yet scheduled that will take the film world by storm, the 10 films listed below are the ones that I know are coming out (at least for the time being). They also happen to be the films I am most looking forward to at the moment. Of course there are plenty of other anticipated films that just missed the list ala “Logan,” “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2,” and so forth. Anyway, enough of my yammering, on with the list!

  1. Star Wars Episode 8- “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” worked as a set-up, but the pressure is all on Rian Johnson to take the franchise to new and exciting places. Given his pedigree, there’s no reason to assume he won’t deliver the goods. P.S. I can’t believe there still isn’t a title for this movie yet.
  1. War For The Planet Of The Apes- Both “Rise of the Planet of the Apes and “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” were great films so there’s no reason to expect this third entry won’t follow in their footsteps.
  1. Spider-Man: Homecoming- To be honest, I was not much of a fan of the previous 5 Spider-Man films. Personally, I don’t think the character has been done properly on the big screen. Between his appearance in “Captain America: Civil War” and the debut trailer of “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” however, I feel like we might just see the Spider-Man movie we have all been waiting for. It doesn’t hurt that Spidey is finally in the Marvel Cinematic Universe now either.
  1. Friday The 13th- Yes, there’s a strong possibility this movie gets bumped yet another year, but hopefully not as we’re long overdue for a new Jason film.
  1. Godzilla (2017)- The new Toho animated Godzilla film may be shrouded in mystery, but I for one can’t wait to see what they cook up here. The possibilities are seemingly endless.
  1. Justice League- 2016 was a big test for DC Movies, but 2017 is in many ways a final exam. This big event film that brings Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Aquaman, Flash and perhaps Superman together needs to be GOOD for DC and fans as well.
  1. Blade Runner 2049- After years of rumors, Blade Runner is at long last getting a sequel from acclaimed director Dennis Villenueve. If the trailer is any indication, we’re in for a real treat.
  1. Kong: Skull Island- I absolutely loved the San Diego Comic Con trailer, but the second trailer was bizarre and all over the place. Regardless of how the actual movie turns out, I’m all in on seeing this “Apocalypse Now” esque King Kong film.
  1. Wonder Woman- This is an important film not only for DC/Warner Bros., but for the movie industry as a whole as we are at long last seeing a large scale female hero led comic book movie. The fact that it has taken this long to get here is absurd, but hopefully we will see more and more with each passing year.
  1. Downsizing- I’m always down for a new Alexander Payne film and this one looks to be a unique departure from his previous work.

January 2, 2017 - Posted by | News | , , , , , , , , , ,

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