DVD Corner

4K, Blu-ray, DVD, and Book Reviews

10 Recommended Graphic Novels Part 2

Wonder Woman.jpgSagaInjustice- Gods Among Us.jpg

Since there are many graphic novels/comic book series/trade paperbacks I treasure, I thought I would continue my list of recommendations with a second part. So, here they are in no order:

  1. Wonder Woman- Over the course of six volumes, writer Brian Azzarello crafted an addicting saga about Gods, humans, power, and war.
  1. Injustice: Gods Among Us- Like many readers, I initially wrote this off as a mere video game tie-in. Boy, was I wrong. This is the perfect example of how an epic event series should be done.
  1. Ant-Man Volume 1: Second-Chance Man- Writer Nick Spencer’s fast paced, moving, and funny “Ant-Man” run shows why the author is quickly becoming one of the best comic book writers.
  1. Doctor Strange Volume 1: The Way of the Weird- While the trade paperback is not due until May 10, 2016, Jason Aaron’s weird and wonderful take on the Marvel character is not to be missed.
  1. Saga- You probably don’t need me to tell you this, but Brian K. Vaughan’s imaginative and original space opera series is required reading.
  1. Stumptown- Fans of private eye stories and neo-noir tales will adore Greg Rucka’s three volume comic series.
  1. Owly- Andy Runton’s graphic novel series is meant for children, but you’d have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by the wordless adventures of the lovable character.
  1. Batman and the Monster Men- Matt Wagner’s Batman-Hugo Strange tale doesn’t get the attention it so rightly deserves. It has everything a Batman story should have.
  1. Ultimate Spider-Man- When I think of the perfect incarnation of Spider-Man, I think of this. Bendis just gets the character and the Spidey universe.
  1. Daisy Kutter: The Last Train- Before he created the wildly popular “Amulet” series, writer/artist Kazu Kibuishi put out this relatively unknown sci-fi-western gem.

April 16, 2016 - Posted by | News | , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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