DVD Corner

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Shortcomings Blu-ray Review

“Shortcomings” is one of the best films of 2023. 

Based on the graphic novel by Adrian Tomine (who also penned the script), “Shortcomings” is a romantic comedy-drama that revolves around 3 characters living in the Bay Area- Ben (a wannabe director and the manager of a failing movie theater), Miko (his girlfriend who comes from a wealthy family) and Ben’s friend Alice (who has commitment issues). Ben and Miko’s relationship is certainly far from idyllic as the two are clashing. When Miko decides to accept an internship in New York, she decides to take a break from Ben. Ben attempts to live the life of a bachelor but finds himself missing Miko. When Alice ends up moving to NY too (for reasons you will discover), Ben decides to venture to NY to try and win back Miko, but things do not go as planned.

Randall Park may be best known for his film and television work in projects like “Fresh Off The Boat” and the Ant-Man sequels, but the talented actor makes his directorial debut with “Shortcomings” and what a debut it is. “Shortcomings” was already a beloved graphic novel and this rewarding film adaptation is sure to win over audiences too. Not only does the film cleverly play with romantic comedy conventions, but there’s so much going on here thematically. It’s a deep story about friendship, love, human flaws, personal growth, self-realization, identity, truth, relationships and Asian American representation (which the film even addresses in a subplot of sorts). It’s an honest indie film that acknowledges that life is messy, emotions are messy and that relationships can certainly be painfully messy. Both Park and Tomine really make everything gel together here in an amusing, heartbreaking, and emotional manner. One can only hope these two artists collaborate again because they make cinematic magic together.

“Shortcomings” is perfectly cast. Justin H. Min is a relative newcomer in the world of TV and film, but this actor needs to be in more projects, stat. He completely becomes the character of Ben in a way that looks effortless. Sherry Cola (Alice) is having a banner year between this and her role in the amusing “Joy Ride.” She’s a natural with comedic material. Ally Maki is nothing short of fantastic as Miko. She’s particularly noteworthy in the heavy dramatic scenes. 


Presentation: 1.85:1 1080p. Grade: A-

Audio Track: 5.1 DTS-HD MA. Grade: A-

The only extras are trailers for Sony titles.

October 12, 2023 - Posted by | Blu-Ray review | , , , , , ,

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