DVD Corner

4K, Blu-ray, DVD, and Book Reviews

Star Wars Adventures Issue 22 Comic Book Review


“Star Wars Adventures” #22 is an original trilogy heavy issue.

In the 22 second issue of “Star Wars Adventures” (yes, it has already been that many), there are the traditional two stories. The first is a Pierrick Colinet and Elsa Charretier scripted story titled “A Matter Of Perception” which finds Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2 and others scouting the planet Nothoiin for an Imperial presence. At first, everything seems quiet but Leia encounters an intruder on the Millennium Falcon as well as some unforeseen entanglements which put the Princess in danger. However, not everything is as it seems.

For a short story, this one packs a lot in. Not only does it showcase Leia’s strength as a character, but it includes a legitimately heartfelt plot twist that elevates the story as a whole. On top of that, it’s just a good old fashioned original trilogy era tale that nails the character’s personalities. Art wise, Elsa Charretier gives the story the appearance of a newspaper comic strip which works well here. I like when an artist makes the story their own by giving it a distinct style.

The second story here is titled “Tales From Wild Space: A Tauntaun Tail.” In this adventure, writer John Waterhouse has Emil recounting a story about a titular Tauntaun on Hoth who is a bit of an outcast. The Tauntaun finds a purpose and place, however, when a rebel scout (Maxim) selects him to train for the Rebels on Hoth. It’s a very simple but poignant story about differences that works despite the rather colorful and cartoony art by Tony Fleecs and color flatter work by Lauren Perry. It’s not that the art is bad any means, it just feels a bit over exaggerated.

Finally, the comic closes out with Emil answering a letter, a spotlight on Aleena, a cover art gallery, and IDW comic ads.

July 1, 2019 - Posted by | Comic Book Review | , , , , , , ,

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