DVD Corner

4K, Blu-ray, DVD, and Book Reviews

Monte Carlo Blu-Ray and DVD Reviews

“Monte Carlo” is harmless fluff aimed at the tween crowd.

Featuring current Disney-channel diva Selena Gomez, this disc will have little-or-no appeal to anyone beyond the age of 16. That’s not really meant as criticism, though. Fans of Gomez will enjoy this variation on the reliable ‘trouble-abroad’ story of three teens, two step-sisters and a BFF (natch).

Sure, this type of thing has been done to death, and “Monte Carlo” plays a lot like a made-for-TV Disney Channel movie, but this film wasn’t made for cynics like me. It was made for kids like my seven-year-old daughter, who was totally enraptured, along with her own BFF who was here for a sleepover. In fact, when it was over, they decided to watch it again, though this time, since we only have one Blu-Ray player, I retreated to my office. Sure, the movie was cute and harmless (even occasionally interesting enough for me to stop reading a few times), but not enough to sit through it ever again.

And I suppose that is the ultimate litmus test…whether or not your kid wants to watch a film again and again. I guess “Monte Carlo” qualifies, especially if your kid is weened on the Disney Channel. It’s the type of movie they’ll likely outgrow within a few years, and you’ll put out in a yard sale because there’s no one left in the house who’ll ever watch it again. Until that day, though, there are a lot worse things Hollywood is currently shoving down kids’ throats.

Blu-ray Extras:

7 Deleted Scenes
Monte Carlo Match Up
Ding-Dang Delicious: The Boys of Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo Couture
Jet Setter’s Dreams
Backstage Pass
Gossip with the Girls
Theatrical Trailer
Digital Copy

The DVD copy only has trailers, Backstage Pass, Ding-Dang Delicious: The Boys Of Monte Carlo, 7 deleted scenes, and the Monte Carlo Match Up.

December 8, 2011 - Posted by | Blu-Ray review, DVD review | , , , , ,

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