DVD Corner

4K, Blu-ray, DVD, and Book Reviews

Team America: World Police 4K UHD Review

“Team America: World Police” has its moments, but isn’t nearly funny enough.

2004’s “Team America: World Police” revolves around the titular destructive terrorist fighting squad comprised of Lisa, Joe, Carson, Sarah, Chris, and Spottswoode. Spottswoode looks at recruiting a new member named Gary who is a Broadway musical actor. Gary ends up joining and using his acting skills to go undercover as a terrorist. The mission is a success, but the terrorist organization continues on with a secret leader. Things only worsen when anti-Team America film actors guild members (led by Alec Baldwin) join the secret leader.

Politics, patriotism, war, Michael Bay action movies, “R.E.N.T.,” world leaders, Michael Moore, and even random celebrities (namely Matt Damon) are not safe from writers Trey Parker (who also directed), Matt Stone and Pam Brady in this satirical puppet film done in the style of Gerry Anderson’s classic series such as “Thunderbirds.” Alas, this is not on the level of “South Park” or “The Book Of Mormon” (nor has it aged well). The marionette film feels very much like a product of the George W. Bush era. Sure, there’s a few laughs to be had with the Star Wars references, the infamous puppet sex sequence, Matt Damon and the soundtrack (more on that shortly), but the comedy tends to fall flat more often than not. The racial stereotypes are especially cringeworthy. The main issue though is that the character work just isn’t there. Nobody really stands out here aside from Gary.

From a visual standpoint, ‘Team America’ is a cinematic marvel. The character puppets, the production design, the vehicles, and the action set pieces would make Gerry Anderson proud. It’s easy to appreciate the visuals more than the movie itself.

As noted above, the soundtrack absolutely slaps. The theme song “America, F*** Yeah” is a hilarious cheeseball patriotic song, “Montage” is an amusing parody of the many, many movie montages, “I’m So Ronery” is an unexpected ballad, and the deeply funny “Pearl Harbor Sucked” takes aim at the dreadful movie.


Presentation: 2.40:1 2160p. How does it look? The film gets a nice 4K upgrade that should please devoted fans.

Audio Track: 5.1 DTS-HD MA. How does it sound? The action packed movie is serviced well by this pleasing 5.1 track.

Extras (On The Blu-ray):
* Blu-ray copy
* Digital copy
* 2 theatrical trailers
* Animated storyboards
* Dressing room and puppet tests.
* 10 deleted/extended scenes and outtakes
* “Miniature Pyrotechnics” behind-the-scenes featurette
* “Up Close With Kim Jong-Il” is all about the puppet.
* “Capturing The Action” covers the cinematography and visuals.
* “Pulling The Strings” looks at the work of the puppeteers.
* “Crafting The Puppets” featurette
* “Building The World” revolves around the production design.
* “Team America: An Introduction” explores the characters, puppets and more.

June 26, 2024 - Posted by | 4K UHD Review | , , , , ,

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