DVD Corner

4K, Blu-ray, DVD, and Book Reviews

Victims Of Sin Criterion Blu-ray Review

“Victims Of Sin” is an overlooked Mexican film.  

Written by Emilio Fernández and Mauricio Magdaleno, 1951’s “Victims Of Sin” (AKA “Victimas del Pecado”) is part gangster film, part melodrama, part noir, and part rumbera musical. The story revolves around the character of Violeta- a talented and sensual dancer who works at the Changoo Cabaret club. A fellow dancer (Rosa) who recently gave birth to a child is forced to give up her baby after the scumbag father (a money craving gangster/thief/murderer named Rodolfo) essentially forces her to. Rosa puts the baby in a trash can, but the child is soon rescued by the kind hearted Violeta. Violeta initially struggles to raise the baby on her own, but a rival club owner (Santiago) winds up connecting with both Violeta and the child. To make a long story short, Violeta’s life soon becomes complicated by Rodolfo (to put it mildly) after a series of circumstances.

Directed by Emilio Fernández, “Victims Of Sin” was admittedly not a film on my radar, but thanks to the good folks at Criterion, this film can now be discovered (or rediscovered) by film buffs everywhere.

What’s particularly striking about ‘Victims’ is how it effortlessly blends multiple genres. In one moment there might be exciting musical moments filled with songs and rumbera dance numbers (more commonly known as rumba) which were intensely popular in the 40’s and 50’s. In the next moment, there are noir esque scenes of DARK violence. It should be noted that there are moments featuring violence against women and children that may prove triggering to some viewers. Viewers can also expect emotional melodrama involving a discarded child and a family experiencing heartbreak. There’s a lot going on here and Fernández juggles it all with ease. 

Direction aside, the B&W cinematography by Gabriel Figueroa deserves high praise. Figueroa really captures a place and a time with the scintillating dance scenes in a smoky night club, the zoot suit gangsters, the dark alleys, and the wide variety of Mexico shooting locations. “Victims Of Sin” is nothing if not a visual triumph.

Cast wise, dancer/actress Ninón Sevilla is the real star of the show. She manages to dazzle on and off the stage by giving the character of Violeta real depth. Rodolfo Acosta also makes a big splash here as the vile gangster Rodolfo. 


Presentation: 1.37:1 1080p. How does it look? The 4K digital restoration does wonders for this B&W film. Viewers can’t ask for a sharper transfer.

Audio Track: Spanish Uncompressed Mono. How does it sound? This is a clean Mono track through and through.

* Trailer
* A nearly 17 minute newly recorded interview with filmmaker/film preservationist Viviana Garcia-Besné who chats about her own career, Ninón Sevilla, her stardom, and her filmography.
* “Rodrigo Prieto On Gabriel Figueroa”- A new 16 ½ minute interview in which cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto talks about the work of cinematographer Gabriel Figueroa (the DP of “Victims Of Sin”).
* “Those Who Made Our Cinema”- An episode of the TV series about the cine de rumberas genre.
* A booklet featuring an essay by Professor Jacqueline Avila, credits, and artwork.

June 20, 2024 - Posted by | Blu-Ray review | , , , , , , ,

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