DVD Corner

4K, Blu-ray, DVD, and Book Reviews

Chinatown 4K UHD Review

“Chinatown” is an iconic neo-noir. 

Set in 1937, “Chinatown” a neo-noir mystery that also loosely digs into the history of Los Angeles. The story begins with former Chinatown cop turned private eye Jake Gittes taking on a case from a woman identified as Evelyn Mulwray. Evelyn wants Jake to see if her husband Hollis (the chief engineer of water and power) is cheating on her. Jake photographs Hollis with another woman, but the tables turn when Jake discovers the real Evelyn did not hire him. From here on out, Jake finds himself getting into a tangled web involving murder, a water and land conspiracy, corruption, and shocking revelations about Evelyn. He almost might put his nose where it doesn’t belong (quite literally).

Since its release in 1974, director Roman Polanski’s “Chinatown” has been heralded as one of the cinematic greats. It’s not hard to see why. It’s a beautifully shot film with wonderful Los Angeles shooting locations, there’s a compelling mystery, it tackles the history and growth of L.A., Jerry Goldsmith’s score is divine, the cast is pitch perfect, Polanski is in peak form, and Robert Towne’s script just might be one of the best ever written. It’s the complete package.

Going back to Towne’s script, it’s ultimately Jake’s story that sucks the viewer in. We’re exploring the world within this movie through his perspective. We (the audience) are being taken down a dark path where bad things happen that not even Jake can change. The mystery unravels around him.

As for the cast, what more needs to be said. This is easily one of Jack Nicholson’s best performances in an already storied career. He makes the wisecracking but dedicated Detective character his own (so much so that he went on to make the sequel “The Two Jakes”). Faye Dunaway also gives one of her finest performances as the real Evelyn. It’s a really tragic character. John Huston has a larger than life presence as the powerful Noah Cross- a real scumbag if there ever was one.


Presentation: 2.35:1 2160p. How does it look? The Technicolor classic gets a stunning new print. This is a prime example of how a classic should be restored.

Audio Track: Dolby TrueHD 5.1. How does it sound? Expect a crisp 5.1 track.

* Digital copy
* Blu-ray copy of the 1990 sequel “The Two Jakes.”
* Commentary by writer Robert Towne and filmmaker David Fincher.
* Theatrical trailer
* “Water And Power”- A 3 part extra about the L.A. aqueduct and the history of L.A.
* “Chinatown: An Appreciation”- Fans of “Chinatown” talk about the film in-depth.
* “Chinatown: The Beginning And The End”- A featurette with interviews that covers how the film was made, the story, and so on.
* “Chinatown: Filming” is all about the location shooting, the cinematography and shooting on the studio lot.
* “Chinatown: The Legacy”- Cast and crew discuss the acclaimed film’s longevity.
* “A State Of Mind: Author Sam Wasson On Chinatown”- A new interview/extra with the author and film historian.
* “Chinatown Memories”- First assistant director Hawk Koch relays stories from the set.
* “The Trilogy That Never Was”- Sam Wasson talks about the planned trilogy about water, oil/land, and air (the unmade film called “Gittes Vs. Gittes”).

June 18, 2024 - Posted by | 4K UHD Review | , , , , , ,

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