DVD Corner

4K, Blu-ray, DVD, and Book Reviews

South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut 4K UHD Review

“South Park: Bigger, Longer, And Uncut” has aged like a fine wine. 

In 1999’s “South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut,” Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny venture to see the new Canadian Terrance and Phillip comedy movie “Asses Of Fire.” The Trey Parker directed film inspires all sorts of colorful language which gets them in trouble. When their parents learn about this movie corrupting their children, they start a movement blaming Canada which leads to Terrance and Phillip being arrested (and set to be executed) and a war with Canada. If the duo are killed, Satan and his lover Saddam Hussein will rise from Hell and take over Earth. Stan, Kyle, Cartman and others attempt to start a resistance movement to stop the execution from happening. Elsewhere in the story, Kenny dies and winds up in Hell, Satan and Saddam’s relationship becomes strained, and Stan’s crush on Wendy intensifies. 

25 years after its release, this foul-mouthed adult animated musical feels as fresh and timely as ever in these distressing times filled with anger, hatred, mob mentality, and bans. Writers Trey Parker, Matt Stone and Pam Brady crafted a smart and satirical comedy about censorship and freedom of speech that isn’t afraid to offend, well, everyone. It even pokes fun at itself all while parodying everything from “Les Miserables” to “The Wizard Of Oz.” There’s even plenty of cameos and references to the series for the hardcore fans out there.

Perhaps the most notable aspect about ‘Bigger’ is the killer soundtrack. Even after all these years, so many of these songs remain unforgettable like “Uncle Fucka,” “Blame Canada,” “It’s Easy, Mmmkay,” “What Would Brian Boitano Do?,” and “I’m Super.” Trey Parker’s talent in writing music and lyrics that manage to be catchy, funny, and integral to the story should not be overlooked. 


Presentation: 1.85:1 2160p. How does it look? The animation has always been pretty basic for “South Park” (although they make an effort to make it look more sophisticated with the scenes in Hell), but this 4K disc offers up the best print of the film to date. The colors are particularly rich here.

Audio Track: Dolby TrueHD 5.1. How does it sound? The musical numbers are noteworthy, but the 5.1 track seems a little on the soft side. 

* Blu-ray copy
* Digital copy
* On The Blu-ray: Sing-along version, 2 theatrical trailers, teaser trailer, “What Would Brian Boitano Do?” music video and commentary by Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

June 17, 2024 - Posted by | 4K UHD Review | , , , , , , ,

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